Monthly Archives: July 2011
Paywast Launched Ambassador campaign in Kabul City

Written on , by Paywast
Kabul – August 2011 In a gigantic public outreach campaign to introduce its services to the people of Afghanistan, Paywast launched its Ambassador Service Program in the city of Kabul to demonstrate its services to people in the streets. Under this program, Paywast Ambassadors go to popular spots in the city to present the company’s Continue Reading
Paywast Sponsors Kabul Debate Live Show for Channel 1 TV

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast has agreed to sponsor Kabul Debate Live shows of Channel 1 TV since May 2011 by providing free SMS for voting purposes to participants and viewers of the show. Kabul Debate Live is one of the most popular TV shows in Afghanistan which addresses important economic, political and social issues in the country. Under Continue Reading