Monthly Archives: September 2012
Paywast Participated in Social Good Summit Hosted by UNDP

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast participated in the Social Good Summit event which was hosted by UNDP in the organization’s compound in Kabul. Paywast was invited to the meetup as a premier social media organization in Afghanistan which has dominated the SMS-based social networking market since early 2011. Social Good Summit was launched in more than 200 places around Continue Reading
Paywast Signed an Agreement with Khurshid TV

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed an agreement with Khurshid TV in September 2012. According to this agreement, Paywast will help Khurshid TV to expand its popular shows directly to people’s homes and receive live feedback from its viewers and audience alike. Paywast will assist Khurshid TV viewers to send their views and feedback by sending SMS messages from their mobile phones to Continue Reading