Monthly Archives: February 2013
Paywast launched a partnership with ESO
Written on , by Paywast
Paywas signed a contract with Educational Support Organization (ESO) on Feb 23rd, 2013. Based on this contract, the ESO would be able to use Paywast Payam services to send SMS to its member organizations. As an independent non-profit organization, ESO started its operations in Afghanistan in 2008 with the aim of providing educational services throughout Continue Reading
Paywast Participated in Kabul Innovation Lab 2013
Written on , by Paywast
The second Kabul Innovation Lab, held February 11-14 in Kabul Park Star Hotel, was organized by Internews and supported by USAID. Kabul Innovation Lab is considered one of the most important experience sharing events which brings together technologists, media experts and entrepreneurs from all walks of mobile technology in Afghanistan. The main goal of the Continue Reading
Paywast partnered with Youth FM Radio

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed a partnership contract with Youth FM Radio on February 4th, 2013 in Kabul. Under the contract, the Youth FM Radio uses Paywast Live services to receive listeners’ questions, feedback and votes via SMS during sporting events and other entertainment programs. The new partnership will enable the radio network to even broaden its already Continue Reading