Monthly Archives: December 2013
Paywast Signed a Contract with

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed a contract with Wazifa,, one of Afghanistan’s major job search websites, on December 9th, 2013. Wizifa will use Paywast’s service to provide better communication with its users and inform them of new upcoming opportunities. Wazifa was founded to change the way job seekers look for a job and employers for a talent. Continue Reading
Paywast Signed a Contract with Balkh Chamber of Commerce & Industries

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed a contract with Balkh Chamber of Commerce & Industries, BalkhCCI, on December 6th, 2013. Based on this contract BalkhCCI will use Paywast’s Payam services to send their businessmen business law notes as well as business rights, rules and regulations. Payam services will allow the business owners to not only receive short messages but Continue Reading
Paywast Participated in Azerbaijan IT Exhibition

Written on , by Paywast
For the first time, Afghan businesses participated in Bakutel 2013, the 19th Azerbaijan International Telecommunication and IT Exhibition and Conference. The event was held from the 2nd to the 5th of December. This year’s theme was “Year of ICT in Azerbaijan.” As the largest telecommunications exhibition in the Caspian basin, Bakutel 2013 brought together 300 Continue Reading
Paywast Sings a Partnership Contract with Shams Production

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed a contract with Shams Production, a private media production company owned by Shams Group International, on November 31st, 2013. Under this contract Shams Production will use Paywast’s services for its show “Who Wants to Be Wealthy” aired on Zhwandoon TV. This show is a version of the popular English program “Who Wants to Continue Reading