Monthly Archives: March 2014
Paywast SMS Surveys Yield New Knowledge About Elections

Written on , by Paywast
March 26, 2014 Paywast has recently conducted a large-scale elections survey across Afghanistan. We have asked our users if they know how to register to vote, if they have received a voter’s card, if they feel voting is safe, and if they would consider voting for someone outside their own ethnic group. We also asked Continue Reading
Paywast Partnered with Zamzama Radio

Written on , by Paywast
Paywast signed a contract with Zamzama Radio on March 8th, 2014 in Kabul. Under the contract, Zamzama Radio will be using Paywast services in its “Pooladarak” and “Behtareen Ha” shows. Zamzama Radio is a private radio station, broadcasting on a single frequency 92.3 FM. It is a popular radio station among the younger generation. All Continue Reading
Afghanistan’s largest nationwide elections surveys done with SMS

Written on , by Paywast
March 3, 2014 With the Afghan presidential elections only a month away, it is more important than ever to ensure an open democratic process across society, and to enable Afghan citizens to raise their voices and use their constitutionally protected freedom of speech. Paywast, through our SMS-based social networking platform, reach out to more than Continue Reading