Category Archives: News and Events
Radio Azadi

Written on , by Paywast
Radio Azadi has a partnership with Paywast News that is of benefit to both organizations. Successful journalism requires that news be transmitted to large numbers of individuals so that large segments of the population are informed about events. By transmitting news through Paywast News, Radio Azadi is able to reach individuals that it might not Continue Reading
East(Nangarhar, Kunar, Laghman, Noristan)

Written on , by Paywast
The eighth region of Afghanistan where Azmon was implemented in girls schools is the eastern zone. Students in this area benefitted from the training and materials provided in addition to the Azmon app, such as video lessons, guides to the Kankor, and preparation books for the exam. As a result of the Azmon project, students Continue Reading
South-East(Packtya, Packtica,Khost)

Written on , by Paywast
Students in the southeast zone are able to use Azmon just as effectively as students in other regions of the country. Azmon provides students in this region with the tools they need to succeed on the Kankor. The training provided to girls’ schools in this zone has also assisted students in this regard, as educators Continue Reading
South(Kanduhar, Helmand, Zabul, Urozgan)

Written on , by Paywast
Students in the south zone of Afghanistan are able to use Azmon to great effect in preparing for the Kankor. In addition to its free content, which is the majority of the content offered through Azmon, there is a substantial amount of premium content available. Students can purchase additional video lessons from some of Afghanistan’s Continue Reading
Southwest(Badghis, Herat, Farah, Nimrouz, Ghour)

Written on , by Paywast
An important part of studying is the ability to evaluate progress, to see if a student is on track, ahead, or needs to catch up. Azmon provides many progress tracking tools that give students the ability to see where they stand in terms of exam readiness. These include, but are not limited to, tracking of Continue Reading
North zone(Baghlan, Samangan, Balkh, Sere-e-pul, Jouzjan, Faryab)

Written on , by Paywast
Across Afghanistan, the number of students sitting for the Kankor exam has increased dramatically. Competition to get into large or prestigious universities is fierce, making private tutoring necessary for increasingly large numbers of students. However, tutoring is expensive and difficult for the average student in Afghanistan to gain access to. This is why the Azmon Continue Reading
Northeast zone(Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Baghlan)

Written on , by Paywast
Within the northeast zone of Afghanistan, Azmon proved to be, once again, an effective method of providing students with the support they needed to be successful in entering higher education. The Kankor is the primary method that public universities use to evaluate students for admission, as such, it is a high priority for students to Continue Reading
Central Zone(Bamyan,Daikundi, Urozgan)

Written on , by Paywast
Preparing for the Kankor is often a difficult task for students in Afghanistan. With the help of the Azmon application, students in this zone were able to access a suite of tools and learning content to help them prepare better. In the girls’ schools it has been used in, the Azmon application has enabled the Continue Reading
Central Zone(Kabul, Kapisa, Panjshir, Logar, Wardak)

Written on , by Paywast
Within this zone, girls’ schools utilized the Azmon application to study for the Kankor exam. Students were able to make use of the application either individually or with their classmates in study groups. The nature of the Azmon app makes it simple to study with it in any location, providing the girls’ schools in this Continue Reading
Implementation of Azmon App For 300 Girls Schools Across Afghanistan

Written on , by Paywast
Azmon Inc., in cooperation with The Asia Foundation (TAF) and with the financial support of USAID, conducted week-long training to 600 math and science teachers through the “Support for girls in preparation for Kankor examination” project across 8 zones in Afghanistan. The goal of these training sessions was to enable the teachers to learn how Continue Reading